in the MegaWorld
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Govern a District

District owner is able to set up conditions for different types of buildings to operate on District’s land plots and taxes to operate them. That will define the price for every operation within a District from acquiring a land plot and constructing a building to producing Resources and new Citizen tokens.

The lower the taxation level is the more players will be willing to develop certain type of activities in the District, the less income a District owner (as well as Office and Municipal building owners) will be able to receive and vice versa.

Taxation conditions can be changed by a District owner only once in 30 days.

In addition to abovementioned taxes and Funds received by the District owner in the case of Natural Disaster, there will be also an option to brand all the District’s billboards and Taxis with some graphics to receive additional income for selling this to advertisers.


  • General Tax – for construction and upgrading buildings;
  • Consumables Tax – for producing Energy and Water;
  • Production Tax for producing simple and complex resources and Factories;
  • Residential Tax (on every new Citizen produced);
  • Commercial Tax – for every action requested in the Commercial buildings;
  • Initial price for land plots in the District;
  • District’s Fund distribution period – part of the District Fund to be distributed on a daily basis (from 1/30 to 1/90);
  • Insurance Commission – part of the District’s Fund to be allocated during the natural disaster (from 1% to 15%).
  • Initial price for spare land plots in the District; District Fund distribution period — part of the District Fund to be distributed on a daily basis (from 1/30 to 1/90); Insurance Commission — part of the District Fund to be allocated during the natural disaster.


Define fees to be paid (on top of Materials required) every time a player construct or upgrade a building in the District, depending on its type: Energy buildings; Industrial and Production buildings; Residential buildings; Commercial buildings; Office buildings.


Define fees to be paid (on top of Resources, if required) for operations in a building in the District, of each type: Resources Tax— Water and Electricity production; Production Tax — Complex and Basic Materials production; Residential Tax — Citizens production; Commercial Tax — for every action offered in the Commercial buildings. There’s also the expected limit for points to be distributed between building types in both Construction and Operation Taxes to prevent irregular competition strategies, not allowing all-100% or all-0% building types Taxes. At least some categories should always be taxed along with no taxes draining tactics possible. Changes can be made by a District’s Owner only once per 30 days. District’s Taxes can’t be adjusted earlier than 30 days after the previous changes were made. All the players will be informed about changes via browser notifications, Telegram & Discord channels as well as reported in the “MCP Times” decentralized city newspaper.

Decentralized Authority

Fees paid for Construction and Operation Taxes by players are then distributed between the District’s (Regional) Fund and Global (Federal) Fund EQUALLY, therefore changing District’s Taxes impacts the Global Fund the same way. That means no central authority to define the game rules anymore.

Read more about Funds & Taxes →

Owning a District was always a status symbol, and from MCP3D launch on it will be the District governors to make serious decisions on how the economy will develop on each the time of day. We believe that will also motivate governors to give life, energy, or spirit to their Districts and hence help us invite more players to the decentralized city streets attracting powerful media and top influences to the game.

District owners will be able to decide how they want their territory to operate — being it a living quarters with offices and commerce or a single heavy industrial zone.